Week 14 - Final test, graded assesment

21. 5. 2018

Week 13 - Galaxies

14. 5. 2018


Read the learning text here (PPS PDF) page 59 - 63.


Week 12 - Final stages of the star evolution - white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes

7. 5. 2018


Read the learning text here (PPS PDF) page 40 - 58.


  1. From table at page 47 from lecture text try estimate, if the matter in core of star M = 25 MSun could be estimated as perfect gas.

  2. From Table of parametres of compact object change the input parametres and calculate data for similar objects.
  3. See configuration of pulsar on demonstrations.wolfram.com/Pulsars/.
  4. Find out from Wikipedia - magnetars what is magnetar, how difers from neutron stars and find out its most important parameters.
  5. Calculate the density of energy in magnetic field in magnetar and compare it with density of the energy for water by normal conditions (assume magnetic flux density for magnetar as B = 10 T).

Week 11 - HR diagram - evolution of stars

30. 4. 2018


Read the learning text here (PPS PDF) page 32 - 39.


Compare parameter of Sun from Wikipedia web page with the Model of polythropic star (see exercise from the previous week).

From the dimensional analysis prove that the star is stable for polythropic parameter γ > 4/3.

Week 10 - HR diagram - evolution of stars

23. 4. 2018


Read the learning text here (PPS PDF) page 23 - 31 and answer folowing questions:

  1. What is red giant?
  2. What is branch of stars as yellow hypergiant and how are their main characteristics?


Derivate the simplest possible set of equations for polythropic star equlibirium, based on sheet equilibrium from gravity and pressure, mathematically closed by polythropic equation.

If some time left, You can compare parameter of Sun from Wikipedia web page with the Model of polythropic star.

Week 9 - Statistics of stars, HR diagram

16. 4. 2018

Read the learning text here (PPS PDF) page 19 - 22:


Derivate the Jeans' criterion for colaps of cloud to the star.

From Model of polythropic star:

  1. Find out the radius of star with central pressure of 1×1015 Pa.
  2. Compare polythropic model with parametres of Sun (ρ0 = 148 g/cm3, T0 = 15.5×106 K, R = 6.96×108 m, from standard model Turck-Chiéze et al. 1988, You cold also use the Wikipedia web page for keywor "Sun").

Week 8 - Statistics of stars, HR diagram

9. 4. 2018

Read the learning text here (PPS PDF) page 11 - 18:


From HR-diagram hr_diagram.xlsx find out:

  1. From which spectral classes are the closest stars from Sun?
  2. From Which spectral classes are the most distant stars from Sun?
  3. How differs the statistics of stars on the sky from statistics in volume cube in surround part of Galaxy?
  4. Find out the most brightest stars and find some info about them from APOD.
  5. From APOD find the last published HR diagram and read the description under the picture. From how many stars it is?
  6. In alpha.wolfram.com find position of Sun, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel and Polaris in HR diagram.

Week 7 - public holyday (Easter)

2. 4. 2018

Teaching is canceled this day.

Week 6 - Spectra in astrophysics, black body radiation

26. 3. 2018


Read the learning text here (PDF) from page 1 to 12 and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the black body radiation?
  2. Describe the origin of the absorption lines in spectra.
  3. By which discovery contributed Josef von Fraunhofer to the knowledge in physics and when?
  4. What can be determined from the thickness of the spectral lines? What are the mechanismus of generating severe types of spectras? Describe the physical mechanismus.
  5. Which informations are possible to regonize from spectras?


  1. See the demonstratin "Stellar Luminosity" http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/StellarLuminosity/ and read the descritption.
  2. See the demonstratin "" http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/BlackbodySpectrum/ and read the descritption. (Question will be set during the exercise).
  3. Hydrogen spectrum could be calculated from Rydberg constant. Found out from Rydberg constant Wikipedia page how to caltulated the spectral lines and calculate the H-alpha line. Compare your result with the h-alpha line on Wikipedie. Last value of Rydberg constant You could find on the NIST web page, calculate its relative uncertainty.

Week 5 - Astronomical objects on the sky

19. 3. 2018


Read the learning text here (PDF) page 26 - 32 and answer the following questions:

  1. What kind of object You can observe on the sky?
  2. Which are the main categories of bodies of Solar System according new classification valid from 2006?
  3. Name and explain the charakteristics of every of categories of previous point.
  4. Name and explain kinds of Nebulae (dark, emission, reflexion, planetary, supernova remnants)
  5. What are Galaxies?
  6. What are Clusters of stars?

  1. See video Star size comparison at APOD and note, which is the most known giant star and how big it is.
  2. See picture of Betelgeuse (and other picture here and the oldiest picture from 1996) and answer the question: is that real optical picture? Which only stars are visible direct with optical instruments?
  3. See picture of colour of stars in Orion constellation and answer the question: how depends colour of stars on their temperature?
  4. Find on web APOD information about Sedna an find: a) What kind of object it is? When it was discovered? Compare some of parameters of Sedna and Pluto (diameter, density, ...).
  5. Find from Asteroid belt Wikipedia page, in which resonance ratio and with which planet could the object from this belt be.

Week 4 - Time and time scales in astronomy

12. 3. 2018

From 4th week the teaching hours of the astrophysics was changed:
Time:Monday 6 p.m.
Length: Theoretically possible 2×90 minutes i.e. with the end 9 p.m. o'clock. But because it is too late in the evenning, we try compromise as 60 minutes lecture + 5 minutes break + 55 minutes exercise with the end at 8 p.m. But it also depends on You (degree of tirednsess, interest in discussed topics, ...).
Room: T2:C2-84 You'll find on the ground floor, from entrance turn to the left, pass the first and the second elevators and You are at the the c2 block, where the room is located on the right hand.


Read the learning text here (PDF) from page 16 to 25 and answer the following questions:

  1. What are the most important time scales used in astronomy? Characterize them.
  2. What is the time scale, that is always uniform? By what measurement metods is obtained?
  3. What of two scales are depending on the rotation of the Earth and how they deffer from each other?
  4. What is leap second and what is the reason for it?
  5. What astro-geodetic techniques are used to measure of the rotation and axis orientation of the Earth? (More also here http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eop-pc/index.php?index=techniques&lang=en)


From Wikipedia or from http://www.leapsecond.com/ find

From Earth rotation and axis orientation data center http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eop-pc/ find out:

Week 3 - Apparent and absolute magnitude

8. 3. 2018


Read the learning text here (PDF) page 10 - 15 and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between the apparent and the absolute magnitude?
  2. What magnitude has the brightest object on the sky?
  3. What is the value of the magnitude for the faintest object on the sky (by the best conditions) that could be seen by the naked eye?


From the stars catalog stars.xlsx (or stars.xls or stars.csv) find answers to following questions:

Week 2 - Units of the length

1. 3. 2018


Read the learning text here (PDF) page 6 - 9 and answer the following questions:

  1. What are the basic units of the length in astronomy?
  2. What is parallax?
  3. What is the relationship between the distance of the star and its parallax?


Week 1 - introduction, the relationship between astronomy and astrophysics

22. 2. 2018


Read the learning text here (PPS PDF) page 4 - 5 and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between astronomy and astrophysics?
  2. Who was the first astrophysicist, what experiment he made and when?

Last update: 1. 3. 2018