VLT will be soon the largest telescope ever built in
the world. It is composed from four telescopes with
mirrors made from one segment, each of 8.2 meters in
diameter. Next year, these telescopes will be cooperating
as interferometer with 200 m base. To the four main
telescopes will be added three 1.8 meter telescopes, one
2.5 meter instrument (VISTA) and one 4 meter (VST).
Finishing of the telescope construction is supposed in
year 2005. The telescopes are built at the most dry place
on the Earth, at the Atacama desert (Chile), at the
altitude 2 600 m above sea level.
The way from Antofagasta to VLT. We
leased two taxi cars of total cost 150 000 pesos
(about 230 USD). |
The way drives through the Atacama
desert, which is the driest place on the Earth. The
rain has not there been observed last 400 years. |
To the VLT our driver went very
carefully, but on the way back we have prayed for the
safe finish. |
Tightly under Cerro Paranal mountain
begins area of European Southern Observatory (ESO).
Dusty road changes to good one, with safety band on
both sides. |
The first look at VLT – the largest
telescope in the world. It is composed from four 8.2
meter telescopes with mirrors made from one piece. |
White building under the mountain is
giant vacuum chamber, where the mirrors are plated
with new metallic surface each 18 months, due to the
damage by dust. |
Arrival to the gate of the
observatory. Next way is possible only with a special
permit. Tourist visitors can go there only one time
per month. |
Visitors in front of the model of
mirror pad. On the bottom there are holes for
hydraulic pistons, which are adjusting the shape of
mirror (active optics). |
Obligatory helmets, the VLT is still
under construction. |
The way to the top … |
First look at close range. |
One of four telescopes. |
Buildings of all four telescopes.
The telescopes can work separately, but combined
interferometer mode will be available soon. |
Closed testing apertures to the
underground interferometer. |
Dome of one telescope. |
Detailed look to the housing with
blow-holes, which can help stabilize the temperature
inside. You can see the clouds, but after sunset they
will disappear. During year, there are 350 clear
nights. |
Air-condition at unit 2. The whole
day the temperature is regulated to night value, so
there will not be any atmospheric turbulences after
dome opening. |
The cooling liquid flows to the dome
from distant control center. |
The telescope stands on the concrete
base, which is separated from other parts of the
building. |
The detailed look at rift separating
the telescope and the rest of the construction. |
Detailed look at the dome wall. |
Under the telescope. |
The whole expedition under the
telescope Kuyen (second from four telescopes,
operating from 2000). |
The view from above. Diameter of the
mirror is 8.2 meters. It was made in Germany and
sanded in France. Transport from Antofagasta (120 km)
lasted three days with average speed of 4 km/h. |
Close view to the mirror,
thickness 18 cm. In front
you can see the anemometer for wind speed measuring. |
Above the center tertiary mirror
is visible , which
reflects light beams to the desired instrument (UV, V,
IR). |
Toothed wheel for telescope motion. |
Jacob and the telescope |
Close view to the telescope montage. |
There are various things under the
buildings … |
We are looking at the ocean, located
in distance 12 km from us. Cold Humboldt´s current
stabilizes layer of clouds in the altitude under 1
kilometer. |
And one more look at the distant
ocean. |
Every unit has its control center,
this is control center of Unit 2 (Kuyen), the
telescope which we have seen. |
And in this way the telescope
can be controlled. |
Scientific notice board and
blackboard together. Here comes to existence
fundamental astrophysical ideas. |
British telescope VST under
construction. Its diameter will be about 2.5 meters
and it will be added to the four giant VLT telescopes. |
Living quarters of employers. The
thing under the roof is retractable blind to avoid a
light pollution. |
There is swimming pool, bar and
lodging houses. Whole facility is underground, just
the perspex dome peeps from the desert. |
View to the ceiling and bar in
background. |
And look at the living quarters. |
The entry to the living facility. |
View at the vacuum chamber, where
the mirrors are coated with metallic layer every 18
month. Behind the facility there are three oil
powerhouses. The water is delivered daily in giant
tanks. |
At the entry is written „Welcome“ in
all languages of ESO member countries, including the
flags. The Czech one is unfortunately missing. |
A small model of VLT as
interferometer. Four giant telescopes and three
assistant telescopes will be linked to one
interferometer with 200 m base. |